Divine Healing 4 of 13: Health and Salvation by the Name of Jesus

Divine Healing 4 of 13
By Andrew Murray 

Health and Salvation by the Name of Jesus

Acts 3:16; 4:10, 12

When after Pentecost, the paralytic was healed through Peter and John at the gate of the temple, 

it was “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth” that they said to him, “Rise up and walk,” 

and as soon as the people in their amazement ran together to them, 

Peter declared that it was the name of Jesus which had so completely healed the man.

As the result of this miracle and of Peter’s discourse, many people who had heard the Word believed (Acts 4: 4). 

On the morrow Peter repeated these words before the Sanhedrin, 

“By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... doth this man stand here before you whole”; 

and then he added, 

“There is none other name under heaven.., whereby we must be saved.” 

This statement of Peter’s declares to us that the name of Jesus both heals and saves. 

We have here a teaching of the highest import for divine healing.

We see that healing and health form part of Christ’s salvation. 

Does not Peter clearly state this in his discourse to the Sanhedrin where, having spoken of healing, he immediately goes on to speak of salvation by Christ? (Acts 4:10, 12). 

In heaven even our bodies will have their part in salvation; 

salvation will not be complete for us until our bodies shall enjoy the full redemption of Christ. 

Why then should we not believe in this work of redemption here below? 

Even already here on earth, the health of our bodies is a fruit of the salvation which Jesus has acquired for us.

We see also that health as well as salvation is to be obtained by faith. 

The tendency of man by nature is to bring about his salvation by his works, 

and it is only with difficulty that he comes to receive it by faith; 

but when it is a question of the healing of the body, he has still more difficulty in seizing it. 

As to salvation, he ends it by accepting it because by no other means can he open the door of heaven; 

while for the body, he makes use of well-known remedies. 

Why then should he seek for divine healing? 

Happy is he who comes to understand that it is the will of God; 

that God wills to manifest the power of Jesus, 

and also to reveal to us His Fatherly love; 

to exercise and to confirm our faith, and to make us prove the power of redemption in the body as well as in the soul. 

The body is part of our being; 

even the body has been saved by Christ; 

therefore it is in our body that our Father wills to manifest the power of redemption, and to let men see that Jesus lives. 

Oh, let us believe in the name of Jesus! 

Was it not in the name of Jesus that perfect health was given to the impotent man? 

And were not these words: 

“Thy faith hath saved thee,” 

pronounced when the body was healed? 

Let us seek then to obtain divine healing.

Wherever the Spirit acts with power, there He works divine healings. 

Would it not seem that if ever miracles were superfluous, it was at Pentecost, 

for then the word of the apostles worked mightily, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit was abundant? 

Well, it is precisely because the Spirit acted powerfully that His working must needs be visible in the body. 

If divine healing is seen but rarely in our day, we can attribute it to no other cause than that the Spirit does not act with power. 

The unbelief of worldlings and the want of zeal among believers stop His working. 

The healings which God is giving here and there are the precursory signs of all the spiritual graces which are promised to us, 

and it is only the Holy Spirit who reveals the almightiness of the name of Jesus to operate such healings. 

Let us pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit, 

let us place ourselves unreservedly under His direction, 

and let us seek to be firm in our faith in the name of Jesus, 

whether for preaching salvation or for the work of healing.

God grants healing to glorify the name of Jesus. 

Let us seek to be healed by Jesus that His name may be glorified. 

It is sad to see how little the power of His name is recognized, 

how little it is the end of preaching and of prayer. 

Treasures of divine grace, of which Christians deprive themselves by their lack of faith and zeal, are hidden in the name of Jesus. 

It is the will of God to glorify His Son in the Church; 

and He will do it wherever He finds faith. 

Whether among believers, or whether among the heathen, 

He is ready with virtue from on high to awaken consciences, and to bring hearts to obedience. 

God is ready to manifest the all-power of His Son, and to do it in a striking way in body as well as in soul. 

Let us believe it for ourselves, 

let us believe it for others, for the circle of believers around us, 

and also for the Church in the whole world. 

Let us give ourselves to believe with firm faith in the power of the name of Jesus, 

let us ask great things in His name, 

counting on His promise, 

and we shall see God still do wonders by the name of His holy Son.


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