Christ is God:

Christ is God:

to many Christians this has been a dead article of faith,
held fast and proved out of Scripture,
but without any living influence on the soul.

To the true believer it is one of the deepest and most precious truths for the nourishment of the inner life.

Christ is God:
the soul worships Him as the Almighty One,
able to do a divine work in the power of divine omnipotence.

Christ is God:
even as God works in all nature from within, and in secret,
so the soul trusts Christ as the everywhere present and the Indwelling One,
doing His saving work in the hidden depths of its being.

Christ is God:
in Him we come into living contact with the person and life of God Himself.

The truth lies at the foundation of our Epistle [Hebrews], and the Christian life it would build up:

Christ is God.

- Andrew Murray, The Holiest of All


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