Audience or Army (Excerpts)

Audience or Army?


By Don Dickerman

There is gross ignorance of demons as it relates to Christians. 

Why is there so much ignorance in the body of Christ about spiritual warfare? 

A pastor and his wife were in my office recently. 

He had brought a member of his congregation to see me. 

He could not bring freedom to the man through wise counsel and scriptural encouragement. 

After the deliverance session was over and the man had been freed of many demonic spirits, the pastor and his wife asked to stay and visit awhile.

They had many questions. 

The pastor’s wife was almost angry that she had not been taught about this. 

“Why is this not being taught?” 

she questioned. 

“Why has this been kept from us?” 

The pastor who had just finished his seminary training posed much of the same type questioning. 

“I have not heard one word about deliverance in my three years of schooling. I knew it was real. I knew from experience that demons were active in the lives of believers, but I am ignorant of this process I just witnessed. I want to know how to do this.” 

They had seen firsthand a member of their congregation set free. 

The man was in deep depression and was suicidal. 

He had spirits of rejection and doubt, and fear tormented him. 

But not anymore; he is free. 

The pastor asked if he could come and sit in on some deliverance sessions so he could teach his people how to be free and so that he could “proclaim liberty to the captives.”

Because this message, for the most part, has been omitted from the pulpit, 

there is an anemic church in bondage to the enemy, 

and the church is living beneath the oppressing power of the enemy. 

There will be great accountability for pastors who refuse to preach this truth. 

The blame for an anemic, powerless, sickly church can be nowhere but at the feet of the pastors. 

Like it or not, that is the truth! 


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