Let every doubt, every weakness, every temptation find you...

Let every doubt, every weakness, every temptation find you trusting, rejoicing in Jesus, and reckoning upon Him always to work all in you.

You know that there are two ways in which a believer can encounter and strive against sin.

One is to endeavour to ward it off with all his might, seeking his strength in the Word and in prayer.
In this form of the conflict we use the power of the will.

The other is to turn at the very moment of the temptation to the Lord Jesus in the silent exercise of faith and say to Him:
"Lord, I have no strength. THOU art my Keeper."
This is the method of faith.

"This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith."

Yes: this is indeed "the one thing needful," because it is the only way in which Jesus, who is in Himself "The One Thing Needful," can maintain the work of His Spirit in us.

It is by the exercise of faith without ceasing that the blessing will flow without ceasing.
- Andrew Murray, The Full Blessing of Pentecost


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