John Lake on Healing

John Lake on Healing “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4)

There is a difference between Christianity and philosophy.

God gave me the privilege of living in the heart of philosophic South Africa, where we have one million five hundred thousand, who are ministered to by Buddhist, and Brahman priests. Every imaginable cult has its representatives there. I was amazed to discover that the whites were gradually assimilating the philosophy of the East, just as we Westerners are assimilating the philosophy of the East, and have been doing so for a long time.

When you take the philosophies, Christian Science, New Thought, and Unity today and examine them, you discover they are the same old philosophies of India, Egypt and China from time immemorial.

The difference between philosophy and religion, particularly the religion of Jesus Christ, is in the words I have quoted from the Scriptures, “In Him was Life, and the life was the light of men.” Philosophy is light. It is the best light the individual possessed who framed the philosophy. But it is not a LIFE GIVER.

But from the soul of Jesus there breathed holy, living life of God, that comes into the nature of man, quickens him by its power, and by the grace of God he has the life of Jesus in him, eternal life. Many of the ancient philosophies have a marvelous light. One of the Indian philosophies, Bavgad, was written five hundred years before Isaiah. In it they predicted the coming of a Son of God, a Redeemer, who was to come and redeem mankind.

Buddha presented his philosophy five hundred years before Jesus. Pathergoris wrote four thousand years before Jesus Christ. In each one of them you will find many of the teachings of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus were not unique in that they were all new. They were new because they contained something that none of the rest possessed. It was the divine content in the word of Jesus Christ that gave His teachings their distinguishing feature from the other philosophies. That content (element) is the LIFE of God. “In Him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the light of men.”

Beloved, the real Christian, and the real Christian Church, undertakes to bring to mankind the life of the Lord Jesus, knowing that when the LIFE of Jesus comes, the light of civilization and Christianity will follow, but the LIFE is the first thing.

As men traveled from God, and as the world traveled from God, men naturally fell into their own consciousness and soul states, and proceeded in the common way of the world to endeavor to bless the world through LIGHT. But LIGHT never saved a world. Light will never save the world. There must be a divine content from on high that comes to the soul to enrich it and to empower it, to illuminate it, and to glorify it, and more--to deify it! For God’s purpose through Jesus Christ is to deify the natures of men, and thus forever make them like unto, not only in their outward appearance and habits of life, but in nature and substance and content, in spirit and soul and body, LIKE THE SON OF GOD.

Jesus never intended Christians to be an imitation. They were to be bone of His bone, and blood of His blood, and flesh of His flesh, and soul of His soul, and spirit of His Spirit. In this He becomes the Son of God, and Redeemer forever.
- John G. Lake on Healing.

The most vital thing in all the universe is the Holy Spirit.
It is more real than electricity, more powerful than gravity.
It is more subtle than the ether in the air.
It contains more energy than any natural power.
It is the vitality of the living God, the fire of His soul, the very substance of His being.
Bless God! Open your nature to God.
Receive the Christ into your heart.
Confess your sins and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Receive Him as your Savior and Healer now, and God will bless you.
- John G. Lake

My God and Father,
In Jesus' name I come to Thee.
Take me as I am.
Make me what I ought to be in spirit, in soul, in body.
Give me power to do right.
If I have wronged any, to repent, to confess, to restore- no matter what it costs.
Wash me in the blood of Jesus, so that I may now become Thy child and manifest Thee in a perfect spirit, a holy mind, and a sound body, to the glory of God.
- John G. Lake

Faith is a product of your spirit, not of your intellect. Your intellect does not produce faith. Your knowledge may give you grounds for faith, but faith is resident in your spirit.

Joy is something in your spirit. Happiness is something connnected with your surroundings. You are joyful because you are in right relationship with the Father.

Now faith, love, joy, hope - all spring from your spirit being, the hidden man of the heart. All are products of your spiritual life.
- John G. Lake

The reason people do not have rich, beautiful faith is because their spirits are denied the privilege of communion and fellowship with the Father.

Entire Consecration
If there is something wrong with a man's spirit, he goes directly to God, but the next day he has a pain in his back, and he goes down the road to the doctor's.
Where do you get your right to do such a thing?

There is a wretched looseness about consecration to God. Christians do not seem to know what consecration to God means.
What would you think of Jesus Christ, if you saw Him going down the road and into a doctor's office for some dope? Why, you would feel like apologizing for the Lord, wouldn't you?
Well, He has just as much reason to apologize for you. When you became a Christian with a consecrated body, soul and spirit, your privilege of running to the doctor was cut off forevermore.

So a Christian's consecration is not just a consecration of his spirit to God, not of his soul to God. It's a consecration of body, and soul and spirit - the entire man, everything there is of us - and it cuts us forever plumb off from looking for help from the flesh, the world, or the devil.

There are three enemies of man: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Our nature has three departments: spirit and soul and body.
What would you think of the Christian who would go to the devil or to some deceitful spirit to find balm for his spirit?
Why, you would think he was not a Christian at all, nor would he be.
Suppose a man wants peace for his soul (mind), and he appeals to the spirit of the world or the flesh to get it. You would not think he was a Christian at all.
Then how will you consider a man who wants healing for his body and goes to the world and man to get it?
- John G. Lake

There is no man who lives who can define the operations of faith in a man's heart.
But there is one thing we are sure of: that when we cut ourselves off from every other help, we never find the Lord Jesus Christ to fail.
If there is any failure, it is our failure, not God's.
- John G. Lake

Read the following to stir up the fire
Psalms 23
Psalms 27
Isaiah 35
Psalms 91
Acts 26 Paul's address before Agrippa.

It is my aim to show that the Atonement of Christ lays the foundation equally for deliverance from sin and deliverance from disease; that complete provision has been made for both;
that in the exercise of faith under the conditions prescribed, we have the same reason to believe that the body may be delivered from sickness as we have the soul may be delivered from sin;
in short, that both branches of the deliverance stand on the same ground and that it is necessary to include both in any true conception of what the Gospel offers to mankind.
The atoning sacrifice of Christ covers the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the race.
- Rev. R. F. Stanton, 1884

Let me say to you with all frankness, brother, that you can not lose your faith until you have broken your fellowship. Just as long as your fellowship is rich and your spiritual life is at flood tide, faith is triumphant. I have followed that in my own life. For years I did not understand the law that governs it. I see it now. You see here is the thing that is mightily important, that the spirit life in man kept healthy and vigorous, and it is kept healthy and vigorous by three exercises. There are more ways, but three in particular.

One is feeding on the Word. Second, is a CONTINUAL PUBLIC CONFESSION of what you are and what Jesus is to you. I am not talking of sin; I mean confession of your faith in Christ, of what Christ is to you, of His fullness, His completeness, and His redemption. And the third thing is COMMUNION WITH HIM. Feeding on the Word, Confession, and Communion. Three simple things, aren’t they? And yet they are the things that produce great spiritual life. You do not have it without them.
- John G Lake

The world's conception of religion is that it is a matter of sentiment. In the minds of most man, religion is just sentiment to them; it is not a thing of power.
They do not understand the properties of the soul of God, nor the quality of His life, nor how is it that God moves in the nature of men to change their hearts, to dissolve the sin out of their souls, to cleanse them by His life and power, to heal their bodies, and to reveal His light and life in them.
- John G. Lake

The Truth about Divine Healing
by John G. Lake on Healing

The miracle realm is man's natural realm. He is by creation the companion of the miracle-working God.
Sin dethroned man from the miracle-working realm, but through grace he is coming into his own.

It has been hard for us to grasp the principles of this life of faith. In the beginning, man's spirit was the dominant force in the world; when he sinned, his mind became dominant.
Sin dethroned the spirit and crowned the intellect.

But grace is restoring the spirit to its place of dominion, and when man comes to realize this, he will live in the realm of the supernatural without effort. No longer will faith be a struggle but a normal living in the realm of God.
The spiritual realm places men where communion with God is a normal experience.

Miracles are then his native breath. No one knows to what extent the mind and the spirit can be developed. This is not the power of the mind over matter, but the power of the spirit over both mind and matter. If the body is kept in fine fettle, there is almost no limitation to man's development.

We have been slow to come to a realization that man is a spirit and that his spirit nature is his basic nature.
We have sought to educate him along intellectual lines, utterly ignoring the spiritual, so man has become a self-centered, self-seeking being.

Man has lost his sense of relationship and responsibility toward God and man. That makes him lawless.

We cannot ignore the spiritual side of man without magnifying the intellectual and physical; to do this without the restraint of the spirit is to unleash sin and give it dominance over the whole man.

There must be a culture and development of the spiritual nature to a point where it can enjoy fellowship with the Father God. It is above mind as God is above nature.

Man's intellect is ever conscious of supernatural forces he cannot understand. He senses the spirit realm and longs for its freedom and creative power, but cannot enter until changed from self and sin; the spirit must be enthroned and in action rather than the intellect - spirit above mind and matter.



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