Daily Declarations

Daily Declarations

I am a new creation.

Old things are passed away.
All things in me are new.
I am reconciled to God by Jesus Christ.
God has given me the ministry of reconciliation.
God made Christ to be sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in Christ.

I am in union with God.
I have His divine nature.
I am a partaker of His divine nature.
He has given me His divine nature.
And I acknowledge all His good things.
I am a new creation.
Old things have passed away.
Behold, all things have become new.
And all those new things, they are of God.
And I acknowledge them.
And I am Jesus to this world.
I go and heal the sick.
I preach the gospel.
I cast out demons.
I cleanse the lepers.
And I raise the dead.

Jesus is with me.
Jesus is for me.
Jesus is in me.
Therefore, all things are possible.
Nothing shall hurt me.
Behold, He has given me power,
To tread upon serpents and scorpions.
And of all the power of the enemy,
To crush him,where I see him.
And nothing, shall hurt me.
Nothing, shall hurt me,
because I and my house are blessed,
And we serve the Lord.
I will do everything that is necessary,
To be useful, in His kingdom,
The kingdom of light.
Because I am the light of the world,
And darkness flees where I go.

As He is, so am I.
In this world, right now.
I am bought with a price.
I am a new creature, in Christ.
I am joined with the Lord.
I am one spirit with the Lord.
I am in Christ.
Christ is in me.
I am in the Father.
The Father is in me.
I am healed: body, soul, spirit, right now.
It is done.
It was paid for 2000 years ago.
So I am God's son.
Because I am in the Son of God.
He has given me His name, His character, His nature.
Everything He is, I have now become.
I have faith in Christ.

I am God's son.
I am man's servant.
I am the devil's master.
Christians lead the way.
I never leave a fallen comrade.
I am Jesus' body.
The fullness of Him, they fills all in all.
Everywhere I go, God goes.
Everywhere I go, sickness flees, disease dies, devils go.
Bless God!

Declaration - God's Protection

Your Word is true.
I am protected.
You inhabit me.
I am a habitation of God by the Spirit.
And because Your Spirit lives in me,
I am healed: from head to toe.
I am healed: every organ and every cell.
I am healed: body, soul, spirit, right now.
I am free.
I am whole.
I am blessed.
It is done.

I lay my hands on the sick and the sickness must die.
I am free, I am free of fear.
I am full of faith.
I trust You and I fear no pestilence.
And none of it is going to come near me.
In the name of Jesus,
It's not going to come near my dwelling.
It's not going to come near where I work
And I say now in Jesus name,
I am more than a overcomer.
I am more than a conqueror.
I have been given the Name, the Spirit, the Word and the power of God.
And I use these things to bring glory to God,
And freedom to men.
In Jesus Name,
So be it.

Daily Declaration Prayer

1) Jesus is Lord.
Jesus is Lord.
Jesus is Lord over my family.
Jesus is Lord over my finances.
Jesus is Lord over my health.
Jesus is Lord over my city.
Jesus is Lord over my nation.

2)The Great Commission - Matthew 28, Mark 16
I go into all the world.
I preach the gospel to every creature.
I do lay hands on the sick and they do recover.
I do cast out devils.
I do speak with new tongues.

3) The Golden Rule - Matthew 7:12
I do unto others as I would have them do unto me.
I do obey the rule that Jesus gave.
I do treat others the way I want to be treated.
I do to others what I would want done to me.

4) The abiding anointing - 1 John 2:27
I have received an anointing that abides.
I have an anointing that abides therefore I am anointed all the time.
The anointed one lives in me so I am anointed.

5) Power over the enemy - Luke 10:19
Jesus I thank you that I have power.
I have authority over all the power the ability of the enemy.
I can tread upon serpents and scorpions.
nothing shall by any means hurt me.
I have a power and authority and ability over his ability.
Wherever I meet him I win because I have authority and ability and all he's got is ability.
My ability is the ability of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, I put my foot upon his head and bruise his head. Romans 16:20

6) The works of Jesus - John 1:12
Jesus went to the Father.
Because He went to the Father, I can do the same works He did.
And I can do greater works because He went to the Father.
Because He went to the Father, I have power over all the power of the enemy.
Because He went to the Father, the same works He did.
Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils, preaching gospel, loving people.
Those works that He did I do.
I can do greater works.

New Man Declaration

I am the elect race of God.
I am no longer the old man's race.
I am a new Creation.
I am a New Man.
I have a new spirit that is of Father.
My spirit is born of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus has given me this new spirit.

The Father abides in Christ and He is in the Father.
I abide in Christ and so Christ abides in me.
Therefore, Jesus dwells in me by the Holy Spirit that He has sent to me.
Behold, God is in me.

Jesus is in me.
Jesus is for me.
Jesus is with me.
Who can come against me.


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