Dominion Over Demons, Disease and Death

The John G. Lake Sermons 


Dominion Over Demons, Disease and Death

Edited by Gordon Lindsay
(Selected Excerpts)

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2 KJV

Operation of Fear In the Physical

That law operates in the physical as well as the spiritual. 

A man is in a state of fear. Someone has typhoid fever. They are placarding the houses to keep others from getting in contact with that dread disease. 

Now fear causes your mind to become subjective. When you are full of fear, your pores will absorb everything around you. 

You are drawing into yourself what is around you. 

That is the way people absorb disease.

I was ministering one time where the bubonic plague was raging. You could not hire people for a thousand dollars to bury the dead. At such times the government has to take hold of the situation. But I never took the disease.

Operation of the Law of Life

Now watch the action of the law of life. 

Faith belongs to the law of life. 

Faith is the very opposite of fear. 

Faith has the opposite effect in spirit, and soul, and body. 

Faith causes the spirit of man to become confident. 

It causes the mind of man to become restful, and positive. 

A positive mind repels disease. Consequently, the emanation of the Spirit destroys disease germs.

And because we were in contact with the Spirit of life, I and a little Dutch fellow with me went out and buried many of the people who had died from the bubonic plague. 

We went into the homes and carried them out, dug the graves and put them in. Sometimes we would put three or four in one grave.

We never took the disease. 

Why? Because of the knowledge that the law of life in Christ Jesus protects us. 

That law was working. Because of the fact that a man by the action of his will, puts himself purposely in contact with God, faith takes possession of his heart, and the condition of his nature is changed. 

Instead of being fearful, he is full of faith. 

Instead of being absorbent and drawing everything to himself, his spirit repels sickness and disease. 

The Spirit of Christ Jesus flows through the whole being, and emanates through the hands, the heart, and from every pore of the body.

You observe that we lay hands upon the sick for healing. What for? 

Simply that the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that dwells in the Christian may flow through our hands into their body. 

We were praying for a sick woman last night, when I saw the Spirit of God strike. It flashed through her soul just as consciously as a stroke of lightning. I felt it in my spirit and I know the one we were praying for was conscious of it too. 

“The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Divine Protection

During that great plague that I mentioned, they sent a government ship with supplies and a corps of doctors. One of the doctors sent for me, and said, 

“What have you been using to protect yourself? Our corps has this preventative and that, which we use as protection, but we concluded that if a man could stay on the ground as you have and keep ministering to the sick and burying the dead, you must have a secret. What is it?”

I answered, “Brother that is the ‘law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ 

I believe that just as long as I keep my soul in contact with the living God so that His Spirit is flowing into my soul and body, that no germ will ever attach itself to me, for the Spirit of God will kill it.” 

He asked, “Don’t you think that you had better use our preventatives?” 

I replied, “No, but doctor I think that you would like to experiment with me. If you will go over to one of these dead people and take the foam that comes out of their lungs after death, then put it under the microscope you will see masses of living germs. You will find they are alive until a reasonable time after a man is dead. You can fill my hand with them and I will keep it under the microscope, and instead of these germs remaining alive, they will die instantly.” 

They tried it and found it was true. 

They questioned, “What is that?” 

I replied, “That is ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ 

When a man’s spirit and a man’s body are filled with the blessed presence of God, it oozes out of the pores of your flesh and kills the germs.”

Suppose on the other hand, my soul had been under the law of death, and I were in fear and darkness? 

The very opposite would have been the result. The result would have been that my body would have absorbed the germs, these would have generated disease and I would have died.

You who are sick, put yourself in contact with God’s law of life. 

Read His Word with the view of enlightening your heart so that you will be able to look up with more confidence and believe Him. 

Pray that the Spirit of God will come into your soul, take possession of your body, and its power will make you well. 

That is the exercise of the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

Jesus is the Law of life

Life comes from His soul. 

He breathes it into your heart. 

He pulses it into your nature. 

He transmits it into your body. 

That is what makes people whole. 


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