Daily Prayer Practice

Daily Prayer Practice
1) Praise and thank the LORD.

2) Lower myself, submit and surrender to God.

"Heavenly Father,
Lay my will down for me;
Empty me of my self-will;
Bring my will into an absolute surrender to your own.
I ask it in the Name of Lord Jesus,

3) Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that whatever I am going to do is led by the Spirit and not by my selfish and prideful heart.

"Heavenly Father,
Fill me with the Holy Spirit right now,
Fill me with Your wisdom and humility.
I ask it in the Name of Lord Jesus,

4) Hear from the Holy Spirit and confess my sins and ask for forgiveness in the Spirit, lowering myself as sinful and despised as the tax collectors of ancient (as a worm).
(Luke 18:10-14)

See yourself in a kneeling or prostrate manner:

Do this:
Go to the church as the publican (tax collector) went to the temple. Stand inwardly in the spirit of your mind in that form which he outwardly expressed, when he cast down his eyes in repentance, and could only say,

"God be merciful to me, a sinner."
"I am meek and lowly in heart as You are."

Stand unchangeably, at least in your desire, in this form or state of heart; it will sanctify every petition that comes out of your mouth. When anything is read or sung or prayed that is more exalted than your heart is, if you make this an occasion of further sinking down in the spirit of the publican, you will then be helped and highly blessed by those prayers and praises which seem only to belong to a heart better than yours.

5) Finally, ask the Father to use me to do His works through me that He may be glorified.

"Heavenly Father,
Blessed be Your Holy Name, use me to do Your good works for Your Kingdom, yet not as I will but Yours be done that You shall be glorified.


6) Read the Word aloud

7) Pour out supplications which I know the Father definitely hears and will answer all and expect to receive the answers.

8) Pray in tongue (if possible for at least 30 min continuously a day)

9) Praise and thank the Lord



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