Building Audiences Instead of Armies

Building Audiences Instead of Armies

By Don Dickerman

I believe focus is the issue, fear is a consideration, and faith is the missing ingredient. 

What do I mean by that? 

The focus of most churches seems to be in building an audience instead of an army. 

A large audience seems to make everyone happy—pastors, deacons, and finance committees. 

We all go home and say, “Wow!” 

But maybe we should look closer. 

Maybe it should be “whoa” that we are saying. 

Aren’t we supposed to be building soldiers, equipping them for battle? 

How can we build an army when the church is not aware of the reality of the enemy?

The focus is wrong. 

The main objective is out of focus. 

Somewhere along the way we dropped an important part of the gospel message. 

I will tell you, without blinking or without consideration of backing up, that the average local church has so limited the work of the Holy Spirit that it is virtually impossible for God to bless what we do! 

This is sad! This must be corrected. 


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