O Christian, learn at this point...

O Christian, learn at this point that your life every day depends 

on God's will, 

on God's grace, 

on God's omnipotence. 

Yes: every moment God must work in your inner life and strengthen you by His Spirit, 

otherwise you cannot live as He would have you live. 

Just as no creature in the natural world can exist for a moment if God does not work in it to sustain its life, 

so the gift of the Holy Spirit is the pledge that God Himself is to work everything in us from moment to moment. 

Learn to know your entire, 

your blessed dependence on God, 

and the claim which you have on Him as your Heavenly Father 

to begin in you a life in the mighty strengthening of the Spirit 

and to maintain it without the interruption of a single moment.

- Andrew Murray, The Full Blessing of Pentecost 


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