Believing ON Jesus Christ

Believing ON Jesus Christ

By R. A. Torrey

John 1:12 KJV

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

God does not promise to answer the prayers of those who merely believe ABOUT Jesus Christ even though their faith is perfectly and rigidly orthodox.

He does promise to answer the prayers of those who believe ON Jesus Christ.

A person may believe perfectly and correctly ABOUT Jesus Christ, and yet not believe ON Him at all. 

Satan himself believes ABOUT Jesus Christ, and is doubtless perfectly orthodox; 

he knows more ABOUT Jesus Christ - who and what He is - than we do; 

but Satan certainly does not believe ON Jesus Christ.

There are many today, who, because their view of Jesus Christ is perfectly orthodox, 

imagine that they believe ON Jesus Christ. 

However, that is not what believing ON Jesus Christ means.

To believe ON Jesus Christ means to put our personal confidence in Jesus Christ in what He claims to be, 

and to accept Him to be to us what He says He will be to us.

It means for us to accept Him as our Saviour, as the one who bore our sins in His own body upon the Cross. 

It means to trust God to forgive us because Jesus Christ died in our place, 

and also to receive Christ as our Lord and Master and surrender absolute control of our lives to Him. 


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