The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How it comes to its full Manifestation

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
By Andrew Murray 

How it comes to its full Manifestation

God longs to see Jesus in you.
He is prepared to work mightily in you that Christ may dwell in you.

The Spirit has come, and the Father is willing to work mightily by Him that the living presence of His Son may always abide in you.

Jesus loves you so dearly and longs so intensely for you that He cannot rest until He makes His abode in your heart.
This is the supreme blessing that the fulness of the Spirit brings you.

That Christ may dwell in your heart by faith.
It is by faith that you receive and know the indwelling of the Spirit and the operation of the Father by Him.

By faith, which discerns things invisible as clearly as the sun,
you receive and know the living Jesus in your heart.

As constantly as He was with His disciples on earth yea, more constantly than with them, because more inwardly and more really He will be in you and will grant you to enjoy His presence and His love.

Soul, pray that the Father would strengthen you with might by the Spirit, would open your heart for the fulness of the Spirit, and enable you trustfully to appropriate it.

Then at last shall you know what it means to have Christ dwelling in your heart by faith.


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