The Power in the Holy Spirit

The Power in the Holy Spirit
By John G. Lake

It would be uncharitable if we were to criticize a man of reason who knows nothing about the spiritual realm. 

Christianity is not the product of human reasoning. 

Christianity is a divine intervention. 

Christians are those who have been born from above. They have been re-created. 

This life of God that comes into their spirit nature dominates the reason so that they have "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16) to think God's thoughts and live in God's realm of miracles.

Friends, when a Christian tries to live by reason, he is moving out of God's country into the enemy's land. 

We belong in the miraculous or supernatural realm.

Christ was a miracle. 

Every Christian is a miracle.

Every answer to prayer is a miracle. 

Every divine illumination is a miracle. 

The power of Christianity in the world is a miraculous power. 

God, help us to realize that ours is a high and holy calling.


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