A word of Knowledge: The Hindrance in Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit

A word of Knowledge:

The Hindrance in Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit 

Luke 11:13 KJV

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: HOW MUCH MORE shall your heavenly FATHER give the Holy Spirit to them that ASK HIM?

There are many believers who have prayed and asked the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ for the Baptism with the Holy Spirit for many years but were not able to receive it.

The following is the hindrance and the way to overcome it:

The Hindrance in Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:4 KJV

And THEY were all filled with the Holy Ghost, 

and BEGAN to speak with other tongues, 

as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Many of us who could not receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit have misunderstood this verse.


Who is it that "began to speak with other tongues"?


It is NOT the Holy Spirit who will take full control of you to speak for you in other tongues as many misunderstood it,


it is "THEY" that were filled with the Holy Ghost.

Yes, it is YOU, your flesh that speaks out in other tongues.

The Spirit may have given you (your spirit) the utterance or the ability to speak in tongues 


It is YOU who has to speak it out in tongues BY FAITH that He has already given you the utterance.

YOU will have to say the very first gibberish words IN THE FLESH by surrendering your flesh (mind, tongue and vocal cords) to the Spirit,


the power of the Spirit will pour forth for your spirit to continue in the utterance of the unknown words.

All these are possible ONLY if you would willingly submit to Him LIKE A CHILD  - your mind, thoughts, heart, strength and will, throughout the experience.

Yes, you must absolutely surrender to the Holy Spirit. 

At the very point where you reach that moment of absolute living faith, without any doubt, nothing wavering nor double-mindedness, you receive the gift that Jesus so desired to give us that He had to die to send Him to us.

John 16:7 KJV

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; 

It is expedient for you that I go away:

for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.


Faith vs Hope

According to the Word, not according to the natural. 

We walk by faith, not by sight.

Hebrews 11:1 reads, 

"Now faith is giving substance to things hoped for." 

Hope doesn't have any substance, but faith gives substance to what I hoped for. 

In other words, it is my faith that gives substance to the blessings, prosperity, healing and good success in my life. 

It is there in the spirit realm, but I want it here in this substance realm where it can be seen and felt. 

My faith gives substance to that. 

Faith is present tense, 

Hope is in the future tense. 

When you keep thinking that God will baptise you in His own time, expecting the Lord to take full control of your soul and body to "make" you speak in tongues, 

that is hope and not faith. 

Faith is taking action, to ACT, believing in the Word. 

Hope is to wait, later on, next time, in the future, soon.

Faith is to receive NOW, DO IT NOW to speak in tongues even if it is by your flesh. 

YOU do the speaking not the Holy Spirit.

You have asked God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and He gave it to you


You have to RECEIVE the gift by speaking out in tongues.



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