Resistance to the Holy Spirit

Resistance to the Holy Spirit

By Smith Wigglesworth, Only Believe

As you go on in this life of the Spirit, you will find that the Devil will begin to get restless and there will be a “stir in the synagogue,” so to speak. 

It was so with Stephen. 

Any number of people may be found in the church who are very proper in a worldly sense—always properly dressed, the elite of the land, welcoming into the church everything but the power of God. 

Let us read what God says about them:

Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. (Acts 6:9–10)

The Freedmen could not stand the truth of God. With these opponents, Stephen found himself in the same predicament as the blind man whom Jesus had healed. (See John 9:1–34.) 

As soon as the blind man’s eyes were opened, the religious leaders shut him out of the synagogue. They would not have anybody in the synagogue with his eyes open. 

It is the same today; as soon as you receive spiritual eyesight, out you go!

These Freedmen, Cyrenians, and Alexandrians rose up full of wrath in the very place where they should have been full of the power of God, full of divine love, and full of reverence for the Holy Spirit. 

They rose up against Stephen, this man who was “full of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:3).

Beloved, if there is anything in your life that in any way resists the power of the Holy Spirit and the entrance of His Word into your heart and life, drop on your knees and cry out loud for mercy! 

When the Spirit of God is brooding over your heart’s door, do not resist Him. 

Open your heart to the touch of God. 

There is a resisting of and a “striving against sin” that leads even “to bloodshed” (Hebrews 12:4), and there is also a resisting of the Holy Spirit that will drive you into sin.


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