Deeper Purposes Of God

Deeper Purposes Of God

By John G. Lake 

I want to talk to you concerning some of the purposes of God. Among them is God's amazing purpose to baptize men in the Holy Spirit. 

I think that even among the deepest thinking Christians in our day, little is understood of the real purpose of God in this wonderful experience.

We say to one another that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is God coming into man, that it is God manifesting Himself in man, and other expressions of this type; 

but it fails to convey to the mind anything like the great purpose of God in His coming into us.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit has among its wonderful purposes the dwelling of God in us, the perfecting of His life in us through His Word in our spirits, through His power in our lives. 

Speaking in other tongues is the peculiar manifestation of God accompanying the coming of God the Holy Spirit into the life. 

This was the evidence when the Holy Spirit of God descended on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem. 

The Scripture is given in these wonderful words:

Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 

(Acts 2:2—4)

What is the real purpose? 

What is God doing? 

Is He giving to the individual certain powers to demonstrate and to convince the world? 

I do not think that is the real reason. 

There is a deeper one. 

God is taking possession of the inner spirit of man. 

From the day that Adam sinned, the spirit of man was a prisoner. This prison condition continues until God releases the spirit of the individual in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. 

The spirit remains dumb, unable to express itself to mankind, until God releases the spirit through the Holy Ghost, and the voice of the spirit is restored.

You understand that man is a triune being—spirit, soul, and body—and these departments of human life are very different. 

God manifests Himself to the spirit of man, and the experience of real salvation is the coming of God into the spirit of man—the infusion of the spirit of man and God.


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