A word of Wisdom: Three Types of Knowledge of the Word of God

A word of Wisdom:

Three Types of Knowledge of the Word of God

1) Knowledge of the Flesh:

This comes from the faculties of our soul; inborned and educated (by man) intellectual reasoning, a sense-based understanding of the natural man, regardless of whether one is born again.

2) Knowledge of the Renewed Mind and our spirit:

This comes from the faculties of our Regenerated spirit and interpreted/translated through our renewed mind (soul) according to our understanding of the mind of Christ.

3) Knowledge of the Holy Spirit:

This does not come from our own faculties but is impressed upon supernaturally by the Holy Spirit into our Regenerated spirit, our spirit receives the knowledge and is being interpreted/translated by our Renewed mind (soul).

These three types of knowledge and understandings on the Word can be transmitted out to others in the form of messages, sermons, and advices etc.

It will benefit us greatly if we are able to discern from which type of knowledge a message originated.

It determines the correctness, heart, limitations, scope, accuracy as well as the degree of errors of the presented message.

This discernment is by the amount of self-pride in the delivery of the message:

A message that is totally meek and lowly in heart and charity yet paradoxically full of zeal and fire for God is a fully accurate message delivered to us by the Holy Spirit.

Otherwise, the flesh is, to a degree, getting in the way of the message.


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