The Baptism with the Holy Spirit by R.A. Torrey

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit

(Adapted from "The Holy Spirit: Who He is and What He does", by R.A. Torrey)

Obtain the Baptism with the Holy Spirit in Seven definite Steps.

You could be baptised with the Holy Spirit in other ways or conditions but this is a definite way.

You may receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit before you even reach the last Step!

Know this, when you do these Steps, you shall receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit immediately.

You do not have to tarry and wait for it. Any tarries will be caused by your own sins or doubts and not with God.

Lets begin.

Step 1: Receive Jesus Christ.

Rest entirely upon the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, upon His atoning death for us, as the sole ground of our acceptance before God.

Acts 2:38 NKJV

“Repent, and let every one of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

It is done, absolutely not on anything we do, but upon what Jesus Christ has already done, in dying in our place upon the Cross of Calvary.

Step 2: Renounce all sin.

Renounce all sin and put every known sin out of our lives;

especially, the sin that hinders you from coming near God.

A change of mind about sin, a change of mind from that attitude of mind that loves sin or indulges in sin, to that attitude of mind that renounces sin.

The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and we must make a clean-cut choice between the Holy Spirit and unholy sin.

We cannot have both.

If I could look into your heart right now, just as God is looking down into your heart at this present moment, I could put my finger on the specific small sin that is shutting you out of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

In reality, there are no small sins.

There are sins about small things, but every sin is an act of rebellion against God, no matter how small the thing is in itself, and no act of rebellion against God is a small thing.

A more definite experience than you had when you were converted is awaiting you today,

If you will make the choice to put away your sin.

Step 3: Confess Him.

Open confession before the world of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

There must be an open confession before the world of our renunciation of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

Step 4: Obedience.

Absolute surrender to God.

Acts 5:32 NKJV

And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.”

The heart of obedience is in the will.

The whole essence of obedience is a surrender of the will to God.

It is coming to God and saying,

"God, here I am. You have bought me with a price and I acknowledge your ownership. Send me where you will, do with me what you will, use me as you will."

This is one of the most fundamental things in receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the unconditionally surrender of the will to God.

"Who is your God anyway, that you are afraid to make a full surrender to Him? He certainly is not the God of the Bible, for the name of the God of the Bible is love.

Absolute surrender to God is simply putting yourself into the hands of infinite love. God's love is not only wiser than that of any earthly father, it is more tender than that of any earthly mother."

And so, if you are holding back, make a full surrender of your will to God, and God will bring into play all the resources of His infinite wisdom, love, and power to fill your life with sunshine.

You will not receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit until you make a full surrender to God, until you come to Him and say from the depths of your heart and really mean it.


"Heavenly Father,

Lay my will down for me;

Empty me of my self-will;

Bring my will into absolute surrender to your own.

I ask it in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ,


Step 5: Thirst.

Thirst for the Holy Spirit.

John 7:37-38 NKJV

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying,

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

When you truly thirst for it, your whole being has just one cry,

"The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, O God, give me the Holy Spirit."

Just as long as we think we can get on some way without the definite baptism with the Holy Spirit, we are not going to have it.

Just as long as we are seeking to accomplish by new tricks of oratory, or by a skillful use of words, or all sorts of psychological or worldly methods to influence people, we are not going to have the baptism with the Holy Spirit,

But when we come to the place that we realize our utter need of the Holy Spirit if we are going to do effective service for God, and long for it at any cost, then it will be ours, but not until then.

Get alone with God and ask God to search you and show you whether your desire for this wonderful blessing is a pure desire, in order that you may glorify God as you ought; or a selfish, unholy, desire in order that you may get greater joy or greater power for yourself.

Do you thirst? Do you long for the baptism with the Holy Spirit whatever it may involve and whatever it may cost?

It may cost you a good deal.

Step 6: Ask Him.

Definite prayer for this definite blessing.

Luke 11:13 NKJV

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

Ask God definitely for the definite baptism with the Holy Spirit.

For beyond the possibility of honest question, God does baptised men and women with the Holy Spirit, and fill anew with the Holy Spirit those who have already been baptised -

When they pray for it.


"Heavenly Father,

Baptise (or fill) me with the Holy Spirit right now,

I ask it in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ,


Step 7: Faith.

Simply expecting from God what you ask.

Mark 11:24 NKJV

Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

No matter how definite any promise of God's Word may be, you never realise it in our own experience until you believe it.

God's promise is definite enough, but unless you believe the promise and confidently expect God to do what He has so definitely promised to do, your prayer will bring no result.

Realise that there is a faith that goes beyond expectation, before you even feel it happening.

You have taken all the other six steps, and youve come to God and asked Him definitely to baptise you with the Holy Spirit.

You know this petition is according to His will because God says so.

Say to yourself,

"The petition I asked was for the baptism with the Holy Spirit;

and since I know He has heard me, I know I have what I asked,

so I know I have the baptism with the Holy Spirit."

And what you thus take upon naked faith in the Word of God, you shall afterwards have in actual experiential possession. 


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