A word of Knowledge: What Good Tidings of Jesus Christ?

A word of Knowledge:

What Good Tidings of Jesus Christ?

Mark 1:1 KJV

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;

What are the main good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ?

Isaiah 53:5 KJV

1. But he was wounded for our transgressions, 

2. he was bruised for our iniquities: 

3. the chastisement of our peace was upon him; 

4. and with his stripes we are healed.


The first good news is that our transgressions or sins have been atoned by Christ. We are forgiven of our sins. 

This is the gospel of Salvation from sins that is commonly and sadly, the only thing that is being proclaimed in the modern Church.

The modern Church knows little or are even ignorant of the 3 other good news.


Our iniquities or evil was atoned by Christ.

Evil can now be removed by believing in Christ.

The evil in the fallen man can now be cleansed through the regeneration or our spirit being born again in the Spirit. 

We are given a new spirit that is free from evil inwardly.

With the inward evil being cleansed of us, what is the outward evil?

It is the devils or evil spirits or demons or unclean spirits that will oppress or afflict or even take captivity or possession of man.

But in Christ's atonement, we are now given the power of attorney or authority to cast out the devils.


Through Christ's atonement, we may now have the peace of God.

Yes, we shall receive the peace not as the world gave us but the peace that God Himself gave us. 


With Christ's stripes as atonement for us, we are healed of sicknesses and diseases!

However, the healing does not come automatically if we do not believe that it has been given us with His stripes.

We need to believe and receive the healing due to us (He has atoned it for us!!) by His grace through our faith in Him in exactly the same way that we received Salvation from sins in 1.

Therefore, because of Christ's atonement for us:
1. I am forgiven of my sins.
2. I am cleansed of all evils.
3. I am given peace upon Him.
4. I am healed of sicknesses and diseases. 

The beginning verse of the Book of Mark starts with the gospel of Jesus Christ and it ends in parallel,

with the command of Jesus Christ to us all,

to go into all the world,

and proclaim and to demonstrate the truth and reality of the good news of Jesus Christ to every creature!

Mark 16:15-18 KJV

And he said unto them, 

Go ye into all the world, 

and preach the gospel to every creature. 

[16] He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 

[17] And these signs shall follow them that believe; 

In my name shall they cast out devils; 

they shall speak with new tongues; 

[18] They shall take up serpents; 

and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; 

they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


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