A Restoration of a Vision of the Most High God

A Restoration of a Vision of the Most High God 

(Excerpted from Fellowship of the Burning Heart, by A.W. Tozer)

What we need more than we need anything else is a restoration of the vision of the Most High God. 

The honor of God has been lost to men. And the God of today's Christianity is a weakling. 

He is a little, cheap, palsied "god" that you can run and pal around with. 

He's the "Man upstairs." 

He's the fellow that will help you when you're in difficulty and not bother you too much when you're not.

We have a stuffed "god", now, in evangelical circles - a "god" that can be appealed to by anybody at any time for any reason. 

God is approached by everybody, because that kind of God can be approached by anybody.

The great God of the Bible is the God into whose presence you went with fear. 

You do not come dashing in wearing your tennis outfit and go into a huddle with God, then rush out again.

Every time anybody ever got near to God in that sense, they always went flat down and said, "I'm dust and ashes, I'm unfit. I'm unworthy to speak Thy name."

There are a good many of us who are on the "rocks" because the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ isn't here.

Our God is a cheap., handmade God - a composite of various theological ideas and choruses and stories we heard evangelists tell. 

But we need the glory of God again. 

And the returning of the glory of God to the Church is primary imperative;

It is absolutely necessary. It is even more important than the salvation of souls.

I pray more for this than I pray for anything else. That the glory of God might be revealed again to this generation so the Presence of God will be so overwhelming, so humiliating, so humbling, so wonderful, so glorious that it will turn us wrong-side-out and all our self-confidence will disappear and we will stand or kneel or fall down in the Presence of this Holy God and cry, 

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty."



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