Absolute Surrender: Ye Are The Branches

Absolute Surrender

Ye Are The Branches

By Andrew Murray

Oh, we find the Christian life so difficult because we seek for God’s blessing while we live in our own will. 

We should be glad to live the Christian life according to our own liking. 

We make our own plans and choose our own work, and then we ask the Lord Jesus to come in and take care that sin shall not conquer us too much, and that we shall not go too far wrong; 

we ask Him to come in and give us much of His blessing. 

But our relationship to Jesus ought to be such that we are entirely at His disposal, and every day come to Him humbly and straightforwardly say:

"Lord, is there anything in me that is not according to Thy will, that has not been ordered by Thee, or that is not entirely given up to Thee?"

Oh, if we would wait patiently, I tell you what the result would be. 

There would spring up a relationship between us and Christ that is so close and so tender that we should afterward be amazed at how we formerly could have lived with the idea, 

"I am surrendered to Christ."

We should feel how far distant our interaction with Him had previously been, and that He can, and does indeed, come and take actual possession of us, and gives unbroken fellowship all the day. 

The branch calls us to absolute surrender.  


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