How Deliverance From Prayerlessness Might Continue

How Deliverance From Prayerlessness Might Continue
By Andrew Murray,
Living a Prayerful Life

Think about our Lord’s words:
‘‘Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
[And] you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you’’
(John 14:11, 17).
Those words are the secret of the life of prayer.

Take time in your place of prayer to bow down and worship.
Wait on Him until He reveals himself, takes possession of you, and goes with you to show you how a person may live and walk in abiding fellowship with Him.

Do you long to know how you may always experience deliverance from the sin of prayerlessness?

Here you have the secret.
Believe in the Son of God;
Give Him time in your quiet place of prayer to reveal himself in His ever-present nearness as the Eternal, Almighty One, the Eternal Love who watches over you.

Then you will experience something that you possibly have not known before:
It has not entered into the heart of man what God can do for those who love Him.


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