The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 7 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost

By Andrew Murray

How it is obtained by us - Part 7 of 7

"And be not drunk with wine, 

wherein is excess; 

but be filled with the Spirit;"

EPH. v. 18.

Now I count upon God and wait upon Him to reveal truly within me the blessing which He has bestowed upon me. 

Faith must lead me to the actual inheritance of the promise, to the experience and enjoyment of it. 

Do not rest content with a belief that does not lead to experience. 

Rest in God by faith in the full assurance that He can make Himself known to you in a manner that is truly divine. 

At times the whole process may appear to you too great and too wonderful, and really impossible. 

Be not afraid. 

The more clearly you discern the amazing elements in the fact that you on your part have said to the Eternal Holy God that He on His part may have you to make you full of His Holy Spirit here on earth, 

the more shall you feel what a miracle of the grace of God it must be. 

There may be in you things you are not aware of, which hinder the breaking forth of the blessing. 

God is bent on putting them aside. 

Let them be consumed in the fire of strong burning desire. 

Let them, be annihilated in the flame of God s countenance and His love. 

Let your expectation be fixed upon the Lord your God. 

He who in a frail woman revealed the divine life in the Infant Jesus, 

He that raised up the dead Jesus to the life of glory, 

He can - He will, indeed - just as miraculously bring this heavenly blessing to fruition in you, 

so that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and that you may know, 

not by reasoning but by experience, 

that you have actually received the Holy Spirit. 

Beloved brother, thou who readest all this, give answer, I entreat thee, to the summons I bring thee. 

God promises, God desires to make you full of the Holy Spirit. 

He would fain have your whole nature and life under the power of the Holy Spirit. 

He asks if you on your part are willing, 

if you really desire to have it. 

Pray let there be in your answer no uncertain sound, but let all that is within you cry out: 

"Yea, Lord, with all my heart." 

Let this promise of your God become 

the chief element in your life, 

the most precious, 

the chief, 

the only thing you seek. 

Do not be content to think and pray over it, but this very day enter into a transaction and a compact with God that will admit of no doubt concerning the choice you have made. 

When once you have made this choice, 

cleave firmly to what is the chief element in it - namely, 

the faith that expects this blessing as a miracle of divine Omnipotence. 

The more earnestly you exercise that faith, 

the more will it teach you that your heart must be entirely emptied of everything and set free from every fetter, 

to be filled with the Spirit, 

to be occupied by the indwelling Christ. 

Contemplate yourself in faith as a man betwixt whom and God a firm compact has been made that you must receive the full blessing. 

You may take it for granted that it will surely come. 




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