The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 5 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost
By Andrew Murray

How it is obtained by us - Part 5 of 7

"And be not drunk with wine,
wherein is excess;
but be filled with the Spirit;"
EPH. v. 18.

I must have this blessing at any cost.

To get possession of the pearl of great price, the merchant man had to sell all that he had.
The full blessing of Pentecost is to be obtained at no smaller price.
He that would have it must sell all, must forsake all:
sin to its smallest item,
the love of the world in its most innocent forms,
self-will in its simplest and most natural expressions,
every faculty of our nature,
every moment of our life,
every pleasure that feeds our self-complacency,
every exercise of our body, soul, and spirit all must be surrendered to the power of the Spirit of God.

In nothing can independent control or in dependent force have a place: everything everything, I say must be under the leading of the Spirit.
One must indeed say:
"Cost what it may, I am determined to have this blessing."

Only the vessel that is utterly empty of everything can be filled and overflow with this living water.

We know that there is oftentimes a great gulf betwixt the will and the deed.
Even when God has wrought the willing, the doing does not always come at once.
But it will come wherever a man surrenders himself to the will which God has wrought, and openly expresses his consent in the presence of God.
This, accordingly, is what must be done by the soul who intends to be sincerely ready to part with everything, even though he feels that he has no power to accomplish it.

The selling price is not always paid at the moment;
nevertheless, the purchaser may become the possessor as soon as the sale is concluded and security is given for the payment.
my brother, this very day speak the word:
"Cost what it may, I will have this blessing."

Jesus is surety that you will have power to abandon everything.
Express your decision in the presence of God with confidence and perseverance.
Repeat it before your own conscience and say:
"I am a purchaser of the pearl of great price:
I have offered everything to obtain the full blessing of Pentecost.
I have said to God that I must, I will have it.
By this decision I abide.
I must, I will have it."



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