The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 6 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost
By Andrew Murray

How it is obtained by us - Part 6 of 7

"And be not drunk with wine,
wherein is excess;
but be filled with the Spirit;"
EPH. v. 18.

In faith that God accepts my surrender and bestows this blessing upon me, I appropriate it for myself.

There is a great difference betwixt the appropriation of a blessing by faith and the actual experience of it.
It is because Christians do not understand this that they often become discouraged, when they do not at once experience the feeling and the enjoyment of what is promised them.

Whenever in response to the offer of Christ you have said that you forsake all, and count it but loss for the full blessing of Pentecost, then from that moment you have to believe that He receives your offer and that He bestows upon you the fulness of the Spirit.
Yet it may easily be that you cannot at that crisis trace any marked change in your experience.
It is as if everything in you remained in its old condition.

Now, however, is just the very time to persevere in faith.

Learn by faith to be as sure as if you had seen it written in heaven that God has accepted your surrender of everything as a certain and completed transaction.
In this faith look upon yourself as a man who is known to God as one that has sold everything to obtain this heavenly treasure.

Believe that God has in heaven bestowed upon you the fulness of the Spirit.
In this faith regard yourself as on the way to know the full blessing also in feeling and experience.

Believe that God will order this blessing to break forth and be revealed in you.
In this faith let your life be a life of joyful thanksgiving and expectation.

God will not disappoint you. 


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