The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How glorious it is - continued 6

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray

How glorious it is
(Excerpts - continued 6)

"They were all filled with the Holy Ghost."
ACTS ii. 4.

Beloved fellow-Christians, this summons comes to you.
"One thing is needful."

Alike for yourselves and the whole Church of the Lord, this is the one thing that is needful:
we have to be filled with the Spirit.

Pray do not imagine that you must comprehend or understand it all before you seek and find it.
For those that wait upon Him God will do even that which has not yet entered into their heart to conceive.

If you would taste the happiness,
if you would know by personal experience the unutterable blessedness,
of having Jesus in the heart,
of having in you His Spirit of holiness and humility,
of love and self-sacrifice,
of courage and power,
as naturally and continuously as you have your own spirit;

if you would have the Word of God in you as light and power, and be enabled to carry it about as a blessing for others;
if you would fain see the Church of Christ stand forth arrayed in her first splendour then
separate yourselves from everything that is evil,
cast it utterly out of your heart,
and fix your desire on this one thing:
to be filled with the Spirit of God.

Beckon upon receiving this as your rightful heritage.
Appropriate it and hold it fast by faith.
It shall certainly be given to you.



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