The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How little it is enjoyed - continued 6

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray

How little it is enjoyed (Excerpts - continued 6)

"My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
1 COR. ii. 4, 5.

Think how little preparedness there is for self-sacrifice in behalf of the extension of the kingdom of God.

When the Lord Jesus at His ascension promised the Holy Spirit,
it was as a power in us to work for Him.
"Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you,
and ye shall be My witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth."

The aim of the pentecostal blessing from the King in heaven was simply to complete the equipment of His servants for His work as King upon the earth.
No sooner did the Spirit descend upon them than they began to witness for Him.

The Spirit filled them with the desire and the impulse,
with the courage and the power,
to brave all hostility and danger,
to endure all suffering and persecution,
if only they could succeed in making Jesus known as a Saviour.

The Spirit of Pentecost was that true missionary Spirit which seeks to win the whole world for Jesus Christ.
It is often said in our days that the missionary spirit is so much on the increase.
Yet when we reflect carefully how little effort is expended on the missionary enterprise in comparison with what we bestow on our own interests,
we shall see at once how feebly this question is still kindled in our hearts:
"What more can I still sacrifice for Jesus?
He offered Himself for me.
I will offer myself wholly for Him and His work."

It has been well said that the Lord measures our gifts not according to what we give, but according to what we retain.
He who stands beside the treasury and observes what is cast into it still finds many who, like the widow, cast in all their living.
But, alas! how many are there who with their five shillings or their five pounds have given only what they could never miss and what costs them little or no sacrifice.

How far different would it be if the full blessing of Pentecost began to flow in.
How would the hearts of men burn with love to Jesus, and out of very joy be impelled to give everything that He might be known as a Saviour all around, and that all might know His love.

Brother, contemplate the condition of the Church on earth, of the Christian community around you, of your own heart, and then say if there is not grave reason for the cry:
"The full blessing of Pentecost: how little is it known."

Ponder the present lack of sanctification,
of separation from the world,
of steadfastness amongst professing Christians,
of conversions amongst the unsaved,
and of self-sacrifice for the kingdom of God,
and let the sad reality deepen in your soul the conviction that the Church is at present suffering from one great evil,
and that this is her lack of the blessing of Pentecost.

There can be no healing of her breaches,
no restoration from her fall,
no renewing of her power,
except by this one remedy namely,
her being filled with the Spirit of God.

Let us then never cease to speak, think, mourn, and pray over this trouble until this "one thing needful" becomes the one thing that occupies our hearts.

The restoration is not easy.
It will perhaps not come all at once: it may not come speedily.

The disciples of Jesus required every day with Jesus for three long years to prepare them for it.
Let us not be unduly discouraged if the transformation we long for does not take place immediately.
Let us feel the need and lay it to heart.
Let us continue instant in prayer.
Let us stand fast in faith.
The blessing of Pentecost is the birthright of the Church, the pledge of our inheritance, something that belongs to us here on the earth.

Faith can never be put to shame.
Cleaving to Jesus with purpose of heart can never be in vain.
The hour will surely come when, if we believe perseveringly in Him, out of our hearts too will flow rivers of living water.


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