The Full Blessings of Pentecost: How it is obtained by us - Part 3 of 7

The Full Blessings of Pentecost
By Andrew Murray

How it is obtained by us - Part 3 of 7

"And be not drunk with wine,
wherein is excess;
but be filled with the Spirit;"
EPH. v. 18.

The thought that will come next in succession is:
This blessing is for me.

I have spoken of those who suppose that the full blessing of Pentecost was only for the first Christian community.
There are others who are willing enough to acknowledge that it was intended also for the Church of later times but still think that all are not entitled to expect it.
Eminent believers, the leaders of the Church, and such as have much leisure and abundant opportunity to occupy their minds with such attainments, may well cherish the hope of receiving this blessing, but it is not to be expected by ordinary members of the churches.

Any one of these might quite reasonably say:
"My unfavourable circumstances, my unfortunate disposition, my lack of real ability, and similar difficulties,
make it impossible for me to realise this ideal.
God will not expect this at my hands:
He has not destined me to obtain it."
O soul, do not permit yourself to be deceived by such shallow views.
All the members of a body, even to the very least, must be healthy before the body as a whole can be healthy.

The indwelling, the fulness of the Spirit, is nothing but the entire healthfulness of the body of Christ.
Be assured that, even though you are actually the most insignificant member of it, the blessing is for you.
In your own little measure you can at least be full.
In this respect the Father makes no exceptions.

A great distinction doubtless prevails in point of gifts, and calling, and circumstances;
but there can be no distinction in the love of the Father and His desire to see every one of His children in full health and in the full enjoyment of the Spirit of adoption.

Learn, then, to express and to repeat over again the conviction:
"This blessing is for me.
My Father desires to have me that He may fill me with His Spirit.
The blessing lies before me, to be taken with my full consent.
I will no longer despise by unbelief what falls to me as my birthright.
With my whole heart I will say:
This blessing is for me."



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