The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How it was bestowed from Heaven - continued 3

The Full Blessing of Pentecost 

- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray

How it was bestowed from Heaven

(Excerpts - continued 3)

"If ye love me, keep my commandments. 

And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, 

that He may abide with you for ever; 

Even the Spirit of truth;"

JOHN xiv. 15, 16.

They waited upon the Father until the performance of the promise came and they were filled with the Spirit. 

The ten days of waiting were for them days in which they were continually in the Temple "praising and blessing God" and "continuing instant in prayer and supplication." 

It is not enough for us to endeavour to strengthen desire and to hold fast our confidence. 

The principal thing is to set ourselves in close and abiding contact with God. 

The blessing must come from God; 

God Himself must give it to us;

we are to receive the gift directly from Him. 

What is promised us is a wonderful work of divine Omnipotence and Love. 

What we desire is the personal occupancy and indwelling of God the Holy Spirit. 

God Himself must bestow this personally upon us.

God is in the Spirit who comes to us, even as He was in the Son. 

The gift of the Spirit is the most personal act of the Godhead: 

it is the gift of Himself unto us. 

We have to receive it in the very closest personal contact with God.

The clearer the insight we obtain into this principle, the more deeply shall we feel how little we can do to grasp the blessing by our own desiring, or endeavouring, or believing.

It is the Goodness of God alone that must give it; 

it is His Omnipotence that must work it in us. 

Our disposition must be one of silent assurance that the Father desires to give it to us; 

that He will not keep us waiting one moment longer than is absolutely necessary; 

and that there shall not be a single soul which persists in waiting in the pathway of self-abnegation and dependence that shall not be filled with the glory of God. 


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