A word of Wisdom: On the cost for Pentecost

A word of Wisdom: On the cost for Pentecost (in the words of Smith Wigglesworth) I am satisfied that the purpose of Pentecost is to reestablish God in human flesh. Do I need to say it again? The power of the Holy Spirit has to come to be enthroned in the human life so that it does not matter where we find ourselves. Christ is manifested in the place where devils are, the place where religious devils are, the place where false religion and unbelief are, the place where formal religion has taken the place of holiness and righteousness. You need to have holiness—the righteousness and Spirit of the Master—so that in every walk of life, everything that is not like our Lord Jesus will have to depart. That is what is needed today. I ask you in the Holy Spirit to seek the place where He is in power. “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” (Acts 19:15). May God stamp this sobering question upon us, for the Devil is not a...