Keys to Receiving God's Miracle: Believing Is Now

Keys to Receiving God's Miracle
By E.W. Kenyon

Believing Is Now

Believing is the verb form of faith; it is acting on the Word.
Believing is acting before God acts. It is having faith that God has already acted before He acts.
Believing is an utter abandonment to the Father, and to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
It is the utter surrender, if you please, of your reasoning faculties to the Word of God.
Believing is the unqualified committal of your entire being to the will of the Father.

Here are some of the things that believing does:
It opens up your entire life to the fullness of the life of God.
It gives Christ the first place in your life.
It turns your self-life over to the lordship of love, the Jesus kind of love.
It is receiving life, health, wisdom, and power from Him.
It is unconsciously entering into all He has done and all He is for us.
It is being who He says we are.
It is arriving at the knowledge that “he that believeth on me hath…” (John 6:47).
Believing is having; it is possession.

Now, I can say to you, “Believing is being,” and you will understand me.

Believing the Word of God is the utter denial of the world-mind that rules those around you.
It is the denial of the dominion of mortal weakness over you.
It is the denial of the weakness of your body, soul, and spirit.
It is an affirmation of the strength and health of your body, soul, and spirit.
It is the utter denial of fears, doubts, and unhappiness reigning over your life any longer.

Believing is entering into all that our redemption in Christ Jesus means in the mind of the Father.
It is a now participation in all the fullness of that redemptive work, the healing of our bodies, and the forgiveness of all our mistakes and failures.
It is the utter righteousness of God becoming ours.

Believing is the exchange of all that we have been for all that He is.
It is the now joy in the Holy Spirit.
It is freedom from worry.
It is Jesus in everything.
It is being “now blessed” with every kind of spiritual blessing in Christ.

Believing is strength for every emergency, victory in every battle.
It is Christ’s now meeting of every need.
It is Jesus’ now entering and filling our whole being—body, soul, and spirit.
It is losing ourselves in His greater Self.
It is losing our burdens in His love.
It is the end of us and the beginning of Him.

Believing is abundance swallowing up our limitations.
It is our leaning back upon His fullness.
We are complete in all His completeness.
We are satiated with Him.
His grace is all we need.
We are lost in Him; we are found in Him.

Now, when we lay hands on the sick, it is His hands being laid upon them.
When we pray in His name, it is He who is acting.

This is believing.


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