Experiencing the Holy Spirit (Excerpts) 3

Experiencing the Holy Spirit 3
By Andrew Murray

How little the blessing is enjoyed

My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
—1 Corinthians 2:4–5

Paul spoke here of two kinds of preaching and two kinds of faith.
The spirit of the preacher will determine the faith of the congregation.
When the preaching of the Cross is given only in the words of human wisdom, then the faith of the hearers will be in the wisdom of men.
When the preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, the faith of the Christian people will also be firm and strong in the power of God.

Preaching in the demonstration of the Spirit will bring the double blessing of power in the Word and in the faith of those who receive that Word.
If we desire to know the measure of the working of the Spirit, we must consider the preaching and the faith that spring from it.
In this way alone can we see whether the full blessing of Pentecost is truly manifested in the church.

Very few individuals are prepared to say this is really the case.
Everywhere among the children of God, we hear complaints of weakness and sin.
Among those who do not complain is reason to fear that their silence is ascribed to ignorance or self-satisfaction.
It is important that we concentrate on this fact until we come under the full conviction that the condition of the church is marked by powerlessness and that nothing can restore her except the return to a life in the full enjoyment of the blessing of Pentecost.

The more deeply we feel our deficiency, the more speedily we will desire and obtain restoration.
It will help to awaken longing for this blessing if we earnestly consider how little it is enjoyed in the church and how far the church is from being what her Lord has power to make her.


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