Keys to Receiving God's Miracle: Faith, the Conqueror

Keys to Receiving God's Miracle
By E.W. Kenyon 

Faith, the Conqueror

It is said that Jesus never reasoned or laboriously worked out problems, as did Napoleon, Newton, and other great intellectual geniuses. I never knew the reason until lately why Jesus didn’t belong to the reason realm. 

Faith acts in its own domain with a boldness that startles those of us in the realm of reason. 

When the believer begins to walk by faith, he or she comes into the same realm in which Jesus walked.

Faith doesn’t care a thing about what the natural eye can see, what the natural ear can hear, or what the physical body can feel. 

Faith sees only omnipotence. 

The natural eye sees the great walls of Jericho and hears the taunting of the enemy. 

The natural body feels the gnawing pain of cancer. 

Meanwhile, faith serenely stands by.

Faith says, “Become quiet.” 

Walls are knocked down, demons are defeated, and cancers are healed. 

One might think that faith is utterly blind to physical conditions. When reason remonstrates with it, faith just smiles and says, 

“Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39).

Faith lifts the believer to God’s class of being. 

Jesus meant it when He said, 

“Nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20). 

He was not speaking in hyperbole. It was a sober statement of fact. 

Faith can conquer even the unconquered millions of India and the hordes of China, laying them at the feet of Jesus.

You see, fallen man has to live in the realm of reason. It can be a difficult thing for those who have been surrounded by the world’s mind-set for so long to get the mind of Christ. 

The mind of Christ is the faith mind. 

The mind of the world is the reason mind. 

Faith counts the work as done, even when Satan seems to be in control. 

Faith sees Satan defeated, even when he is seen ruling in power. 

Diseases are healed in the mind of faith before the prayer is uttered. 

Faith moves and acts with the serenity and quietness of God.

Reason is troubled and excited and nervous. 

Faith stands unmoved. 

Faith knows that God cannot lie. 

Faith never argues about it. 

Faith never mentions it. 

Faith says, “Rise, and stand upon thy feet” (Acts 26:16). 

Faith sings its anthem of praise before it ever commands the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, or the sick to be healed. 

Faith stands quiet, enwrapped in the integrity of God.

Beloved, this kind of faith comes from contact with the Father. 

This kind of faith comes from feeding upon the Word. 

This kind of faith comes from daring to walk out on the statements of fact in Scripture.


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