Experiencing the Holy Spirit (Excerpts) 2

Experiencing the Holy Spirit 2
By Andrew Murray

Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.
—Ephesians 5:18

Many Christians think that they already have the Holy Spirit, and that all that is required is to be more faithful in their endeavor to know and to obey Him.
They think they are already standing in God‘s grace and that they only need to make a better use of the life they possess.
They imagine that they have all that is necessary for continued growth.

On the contrary, it is my deep conviction that such souls are in an unhealthy state and that they have need of a healing.
Accordingly, just as the first condition for recovery from disease is the knowledge that one is sick, so it is absolutely necessary for them to acknowledge that they do not walk in the fullness of the Spirit.
Being filled with the Spirit is indispensable for them if they are to please God in everything.


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