A word of Wisdom: "Be filled with the Spirit"

A word of Wisdom

"Be filled with the Spirit"
Ephesians 5:18.

If you think that upon believing or conversion or water ba[tism, you woll automatically receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, you are deluding yourself.
You only need to compare your life now to that of the post-Pentecost disciples.

If you think that being filled with the Holy Spirit must be accompanied with an outburst of emotions, you are limiting God.
The way of God is much bigger than you can comprehend.

If you think that being saved, you do not need the fullness of the Holy Spirit, you have missed the whole point of His grace and blessings.

Do you not understand that it is God's will and purpose for you that God's descent in the Holy Spirit, indwelling in man fully, is so that you can be One with God fully?

Brothers and sisters, you need to first desire and even thirst for the Holy Spirit in order to receive Him.
Do you really think that you are able to receive this fullness of God by not doing your part, not even wanting to ask Him for it?

It is really the same thing as salvation.
Are you able to receive salvation if you have never desired to receive Christ into your life as your Lord and Master?


I may have some air, a little air, in my lungs, but not enough to keep up a healthy, vigorous life.
But everyone seeks to have his lungs well filled with air, and the benefit of it will be felt in his blood and through his whole being.
And just so the word of God comes to us, and says,
"Christians, do not be content with thinking that you have the Spirit, or have a little of the Spirit; but, if you want to have a healthy life, be "filled with the Spirit."

Is that your life?
Or are you ready to cry out,
"Alas, I do not know what it is to be filled with the Spirit, but it is what I long for."

I want to point out to such the path to come to this great, precious blessing which is meant for every one of us.
- Andrew Murray, The Deeper Christian Life


Let me just note one misunderstanding which prevails.
People often look upon being "filled with the Spirit" as something that comes with a mighty stirring of the emotions, a sort of heavenly glory that comes over them, something that they can feel strongly and mightily; but that is not always the case.

I was recently in Niagara Falls.
I noticed, and I was told, that the water was unusually low.
Suppose the river were doubly full, how would you see that fullness in the Falls? In the increased volume of water pouring over the cataract, and its tremendous noise.
But go to another part of the river, or to the lake, where the very same fullness is found, and there is perfect quiet and placidity, the rise of the water is gentle and gradual, and you can hardly notice that there is any disturbance as the lake gets full.
And just so it may be with a child of God.

To one it comes with mighty emotion and with a blessed consciousness,
"God has touched me!"
To others it comes in a gentle filling of the whole being with the presence and the power of God by His Spirit.
I do not want to lay down the way in which it is to come to you, but I want you simply to take your place before God, and say,
"My Father, whatever it may mean, that is what I want."

If you come and give yourself up as an empty vessel and trust God to fill you, God will do His own work.
- Andrew Murray, The Deeper Christian Life


I fear there is a terrible, terrible self-satisfaction among many Christians, --they are content with their low level of life.

They think they have the Spirit because they are converted, but they know very little of the joy of the Holy Ghost, and of the sanctifying power of the Spirit.
They know very little of the fellowship of the Spirit linking them to God and to Jesus.
They know very little of the power of the Spirit to testify for God, and yet they are content; and one says,
"Oh, it is only for eminent Christians."

Oh, friends, do not be content with that half Christian life that many of you are living, but say,
"God wants it, God commands it; I must be filled with the Spirit."
- Andrew Murray, The Deeper Christian Life


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