A Prayer of Consecration by E.W. Kenyon

A Prayer of Consecration
By E.W. Kenyon

I have tried to do Your will and failed.
Now, by Thy grace, I come to place in Thy care my all;
I will to be Thine, I will to do Thy will,
I will to believe Thee, I will to obey Thee,
I will to know Thy will as revealed in Thy Word,
I will to trust Thy Holy Spirit to indwell me, to implant, culture, and bring to perfection the graces with which thou wouldst adorn my life.
I will to be led into all Thy Truth.
I will to let Him control my temper, my passions, feelings, habits,
emotions, conversation, and conduct, both in business and social life.
I acknowledge my own helplessness in making these conform to Thy will;
They have brought weakness into Thy service, sorrow and unrest into my life, and dishonor to Thee.
In weakness I come to Thee. I turn them over, yield them up, Yea, gladly surrender them all to Thee, and now, dear Lord, I have willed away myself, my all,
And now, I will my will, to Thee.
I can do no more, have no more to give;
All is Thine, and what is Thine thou canst use or lay aside.
All I ask is that this may be final.
I rest on John 6:37, "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out."
I have simply come, and come to stay, in the name and merits of my Redeemer, Thy Son, amen.
Now "For me to live is Christ."



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