The Complete Surrender

The Complete Surrender

By Andrew Murray, 
The Master's Indwelling

Now, that is exactly what is to take place with a great many Christians.  They know Christ, they trust Him, they love Him, but He is not Master, He is a sort of helper. 

When there is trouble they come to Him, when they sin they ask Him for pardon in His precious blood, when they are in darkness they cry to Him; but often and often they live according to their own will, and they seek help from themselves. 

But how blessed is the man who comes and, like Potiphar, says, 

“I will give up everything to Jesus!” 

There are many who have accepted Christ as their Lord, but have never yet come to the final, absolute surrender of everything. 

Christians, if you want perfect rest, abiding joy, strength to work for God, oh, come and learn from that poor heathen Egyptian what you ought to do.

He saw that God was with Joseph and he said, 

“I will give up my house to him.” 

Oh, learn you to do that.


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