Kept Through Faith

Kept Through Faith

By Andrew Murray,
Absolute Surrender: Kept by the Power of God
“Kept by the power of God through faith.” 

Faith Is Rest

In the beginning of the faith-life, faith is struggling; but as long as faith is struggling, faith has not attained its strength. 

But when faith in its struggling gets to the end of itself, and just throws itself upon God and rests on Him, then comes joy and victory.

When God comes to me with the promise of His keeping, and I have nothing on earth to trust in, 
I say to God: 
“Thy word is enough; 
kept by the power of God.” 
That is faith, that is rest.

It is a great thing when a man comes to rest on God’s almighty power for every moment of his life, 
in prospect of temptations to temper and haste and anger and unlovingness and pride and sin. 

It is a great thing in prospect of these to enter into a covenant with the omnipotent Jehovah, 
not on account of anything that any man says, or of anything that my heart feels, 
but on the strength of the Word of God: 

“Kept by the power of God through faith.”

Oh, let us say to God that we are going to test Him to the very uttermost. 

Let us say: 
We ask Thee for nothing more than Thou canst give, but we want nothing less. 

Let us say: 
My God, let my life be a proof of what the omnipotent God can do. 

Let these be the two dispositions of our souls every day
—deep helplessness, and simple, childlike rest.


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