A Love that Bears with Others

A Love that Bears with Others

By Smith Wigglesworth, Only Believe

"With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;” (Ephesians 4:2).

Oh, how we need to bear “with one another in love.” 

Oh, how this is contrary to hardness of heart, contrary to the evil powers, contrary to the natural mind. 

It is a divine revelation, and you cannot bear with others until you know how God has borne with you. 

It is God’s love toward you that gives you tender, compassionate love toward one another.

It is only the broken, contrite heart that has received the mark of God. 

And it is only in that secluded place, where He speaks to you alone and encourages you when you are down and out. 

When no hand is stretched out to you, He stretches out His hand with mercy and brings you into a place of compassion. 

And then you cannot think evil; then you cannot in any way act harshly. 

God has brought you into longsuffering, with tenderness and with love.

This love that I am speaking about is divine love; it is not human love. 

It is higher than human love; it is more devoted to God. 

It will not betray. It is true in everything. 

You can depend on it. It won’t change its character. 

In divine love, you will act exactly as He would act, for you will act with the same spirit. 

“As He is, so are we in this world” 

(1 John 4:17).

As you rise into association with Him in the Spirit, as you walk with Him “in the light as He is in the light” (1 John 1:7), 

then the fellowship becomes unique in all its plan. 

I pray that God will help us to understand it so that we will be able to be clothed upon as we have never been, 

with another majestic touch, 

with another ideal of heaven.

No one can love like God. 

And when He takes us into this divine love, we will precisely understand this word, this verse, for it is full of entreaty; 

it is full of passion and compassion; 

it has every touch of Jesus right in it. 

It is so lovely: 

"With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;” (Ephesians 4:2).


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