The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How glorious it - continued 3

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray

How glorious it is
(Excerpts - continued 3)

"They were all filled with the Holy Ghost."
ACTS ii. 4.

The blessing of Pentecost makes the whole Word of God new.

How distinctly do we see this fact in the case of the disciples.
As with all the Jews of that age, their ideas of the Messiah and the kingdom of God were utterly external and carnal.

All the instruction of the Lord Jesus throughout three long years could not detach their minds from them.
They were utterly unable to comprehend the doctrine of a suffering and dying Messiah or the hope of His invisible spiritual dominion.
Even after His resurrection He had to rebuke them for their unbelieving spirit and their backwardness in understanding the Scriptures.

With the coming of the day of Pentecost an entire change took place.

The whole of their ancient Scriptures opened up before them.
The light of the Holy Spirit in them illumined the Word.

In the preaching of Peter and Stephen, in the addresses of Paul and James,
we see how a divine light had shone upon the word of the Old Testament.
They saw everything through the Spirit of this Jesus who had made His abode within them.
So will it be also with ourselves.

It is as necessary as it is helpful that we should study the Scriptures and meditate upon them, and keep the word of God alike in head and heart and daily walk.

Let us, however, constantly remember that it is only when we are filled with the Spirit that we can rightly and fully experience the spiritual power and truth of the Word.

He is "the Spirit of truth."

He alone guides into all truth when He dwells in us. 


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