The Fire of God's Presence: Moses at The Burning Bush

The Fire of God's Presence
Drawing Near to a Holy God
by A W. Tozer

Moses at The Burning Bush

Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” —Exodus 3:3

No doubt, we are good people and try to do good things.

Just as Moses had a passion to serve his people,
Christians today have a similar passion to serve.
We see it all around.

Moses’ problem was that he did not know God and he did not know how God wanted him to serve.

That is the key issue here.
It is not enough to do good things.
Anybody can do good things, including non-Christians and atheists, for that matter.

It is not what you are doing, but who is working through you that really makes the difference

At the burning bush, Moses experienced transformation,
and for the first time in his life he discovered his true identity.
Those first eighty years were past and served only as a preparation for what was going to happen next.

That is exactly what Christians today need to experience:
to come in front of that burning bush and discover their identity from God’s perspective.


When God calls a person to do a work, that person has access to the authority and unlimited resources of God. 


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