The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How it is to be taught - continued 4

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray 

How it is to be taught
(Excerpts - continued 4)

The most urgent need of the Church is that of men who shall be able to bear testimony to this blessing.

Whether it be of teachers like Peter and Paul, of deacons like Philip, or of ordinary believers like Ananias who came to Paul, this is our first need.

It furnishes abundant reason why teachers and members of congregations should unitedly call upon God, that alike in preaching and pastoral intercourse there may be more manifest proof that those who preach Christ Jesus may preach Him as John the Baptist did, as the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.

It is only the minister that stands forth as a personal witness and living proof of the ministry of the Spirit whose word will have full entrance into the hearts of the people and exercise full sway over them.

The first disciples obtained the baptism on their knees;
on their knees they obtained it for others.
It will be on our knees also that the full blessing will be won to-day.

On our knees: let this be the attitude in which we await the full blessing of our God, alike in our individual and collective life.

Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed?
Let every reader submit himself to this heart-searching question.

To be filled with the Holy Spirit of God, to have the full enjoyment of the Pentecostal blessing, is the will of God concerning us.

Let us judge our life and our work before the Lord in the light of this question, and return the answer to God. do not be afraid, my brother, to confess before your Lord what is still lacking in you.

Do not keep back, although you do not as yet fully understand what the blessing is or how it comes.
The early disciples did not know that, yet they called upon their Lord and waited for it with prayer and supplications.

Let but your heart be filled with a deep conviction of what you lack,
a desire for what God offers,
a willingness to sacrifice everything for it,
and you may rest assured that the marvel of Jerusalem and of Samaria, of Caesarea and Ephesus, will once again be repeated.

We may, we shall, be filled with the Spirit.



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