Dare to Believe God! Then Command!

Dare to Believe God! Then Command!
By Smith Wigglesworth

Most assuredly, I say to you,
he who believes in Me,
the works that I do he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do,
because I go to My Father.

And whatever you ask in My name,
that I will do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.
—John 14:12–14

"He who believes." What a word!
God’s Word changes us, and we enter into fellowship and communion.
We enter into assurance and Godlikeness, for we see the truth and believe.

Faith is an effective power;
God opens the understanding and reveals Himself.
“Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace” (Rom. 4:16).

Grace is God’s blessing coming down to you. You open the door to God as an act of faith, and God does all you want.

Jesus drew the hearts of the people to Himself. They came to Him with all their needs, and He relieved them all.
He talked to men, healed the sick, relieved the oppressed, and cast out demons.
“He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also” (John 14:12).

“He who believes in Me”—the essence of divine life is in us by faith.
To the one who believes, it will come to pass.

We become supernatural by the power of God. If you believe, the power of the Enemy cannot stand, for God’s Word is against him.

Jesus gives us His Word to make faith effective.

If you can believe in your heart, you begin to speak whatever you desire, and whatever you dare to say is done.
You will have whatever you say after you believe in your heart. (See Mark 11:23–24.)

Dare to believe, and then dare to speak, for you will have whatever you say if you do not doubt.

Some time ago in England, the power of God was on a meeting that I was conducting, and I was telling the people they could be healed.
I said that if they would rise up, I would pray for them, and the Lord would heal them.
A man with broken ribs was healed.
Then a fourteen-year-old girl said, “Will you pray for me?” After I prayed for her, she said, “Mother, I am being healed.” She had straps on her feet, and when these were removed, God healed her right away.

Dare to believe God, and it will be as you believe.


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