The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How glorious it is

The Full Blessing of Pentecost 

- The One Thing Needful
By Andrew Murray

How glorious it is


"They were all filled with the Holy Ghost." 

ACTS ii. 4. 

Whenever we speak of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and desire to know what it precisely is, our thoughts always turn back to the day of Pentecost. 

There we see as in a mirror how glorious the blessing is that is brought from heaven by the Holy Spirit and with which He can fill the hearts of men. 

There is one fact which makes the great event of the day of Pentecost doubly instructive this, namely,

that we have learned to know very intimately the men who were then filled with the Spirit, by their intercourse for three years with the Lord Jesus. 

Their infirmities and defects, their sins and perversities, all stand open to our view. 

But the blessing of Pentecost wrought a complete transformation. 

They became entirely new men, so that one might say of them with truth: 

"Old things have passed away: behold, all is become new."

Close study of them and their example helps us in more than one way. 

It shows us to what weak and sinful men the Spirit will come. 

It teaches us how they were prepared for the blessing. 

It teaches us also and this is the principal thing how mighty and complete the revolution is that is brought to pass when the Holy Spirit is received in His fulness. 

It lets us see how glorious the grace that awaits us is if we press on to the full blessing of Pentecost. 


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