The Full Blessing of Pentecost: How glorious it is - continued 4

The Full Blessing of Pentecost - The One Thing Needful By Andrew Murray How glorious it is (Excerpts - continued 4) "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost." ACTS ii. 4. It is the blessing of Pentecost that gives power to bless others. The divine power of the exalted Jesus to grant repentance and the forgiveness of sins is exercised by Him through His servants whom He sends forth to proclaim these blessings. The minister of the gospel who desires to preach repentance and forgiveness through Jesus with success in winning souls, must do the work in the power of the Spirit of this Jesus. The chief reason why so much preaching of conversion and pardon is fruitless lies in the fact that these elements of truth are presented only as a doctrine, and that preachers endeavour to secure a way to the hearts of their audience in the power of merely human earnestness, and reasoning, and eloquence. But little blessing is won by these means. It is the man that makes it his chief desire t...