What is the spirit of man?

What is the spirit of man?

By John G Lake,
How to receive Eternal Life 

God's heart was the reason for man. 

Now what kind of a man would it be natural for Him to create if He created a man to be His child? 

He would create a man in His own class, in His own image, after His own likeness. 

That would be normal.

Now God is a Spirit. 

Then man must be a spirit. 

He has a soul, intellect, affections, and will, but he lives in a body. 

You say, "What is His conscience?" 

Consciousness is the voice of man's spirit. 

It is the spirit speaking. 

But you say, "Hasn't man a subconscious mind?" 

No, that is psychological nonsense. 

The thing we call subconscious mind is simply your own spirit, the real man. 

Jesus illustrated it. 

You are cognizant that there is something above your intellect. 

There is somebody that makes you think when you don't want to. 

There is somebody above your reason that makes you think when you are tired. 

And you can watch yourself and after a little while the spirit will separate from your intellect and other faculties, so you will be cognizant.

Your spirit is the mother of faith and the mother of love and the mother of hatred. 

Joy lives in your spirit. 

Happiness is in your mind. 

Happiness depends upon circumstance. 

Joy depends upon God. 

Nobody has any joy but the spirit that is in fellowship with God.

Let's go a little farther. 

Man was created a spirit being. 

Why? So that God could impart to him His nature. 

Your spirit is the part of you that receives the nature of God. 

Your mind can't know God. 

You cannot know God by study. 

If you could find God intellectually you would find Him in the laboratory, but you can't find God that way. 

Scientists have done a lot of loose talking about it. 

But God is not known by the intellect but by the spirit.

You know a lot of things that you cannot give a reason for. 

They are above your reasoning. 

Now, your spirit is the part of you that comes in touch with God. 

Your mind comes in touch with things intellectually. 

Your spirit is the part of you that comes in contact with God.

Another angle of this. 

You people who are deeply spiritual have had contacts with God that were above your reason and you could not explain it. 

Now what part of man is born again? His spirit. 

That is the part of you that is 

"Renewed after the image of Him that created him." 

The new birth is because you have come out of Satan's family into God's family; that is the new birth. 

There is nothing mysterious about it. It is just as simple as any other fact of human experience.


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