Absolute Surrender: Ye are the Branches

Absolute Surrender
By Andrew Murray

Ye are the Branches

If I am something, then God is not everything; but when I become nothing, God can become all, and the everlasting God in Christ can reveal Himself fully.

That is the higher life.
We need to become nothing.

Someone has well said that the seraphim and cherubim are flames of fire because they know they are nothing, and they allow God to put His fullness and His glory and brightness into them.

Oh, become nothing in deep reality, and, as a worker, study only one thing—to become poorer and lower and more helpless, that Christ may work all in you.

Workers, here is your lesson:
learn to be nothing, learn to be helpless.

The man who has got something is not absolutely dependent; but the man who has got nothing is absolutely dependent.

Absolute dependence upon God is the secret of all power in work.

The branch has nothing but what it gets from the vine, and you and I can have nothing but what we get from Jesus.



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