A word of Wisdom For Unbelieving Believers

A word of Wisdom
For Unbelieving Believers

As long as you have unbelief in the Word of God, God cannot manifest nor work in you nor for you nor through you on that particular part of Scripture of your unbelief.

It is only because of your unbelief
that you have limited God who will not go against your free will.

Do you believe you can receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire just as the disciples received it in the day of Pentecost?
Do you believe in the speaking in tongues just as Paul spoke more than all of us?
Do you believe that you can walk in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit just as the early church and disciples did?
Do you believe you can heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils just as Jesus and the disciples did?
Do you believe that you are every bit a royal priest, as is any other believers, of the King of kings, the Lord of lords and it is your priestly duty to perform all the good works for God in His Kingdom?
Do you believe that you are a child of God who has inherited all that the Father gave you and you can receive all just by asking your Father for it?
Do you believe you can walk in the Spirit just as Jesus Christ walked on earth in dominion of all things on earth as it is in heaven?
Do you believe you can love as Jesus loved as He was on earth?
Do you believe you can obey and follow every word, every command that God the Son spoke to you and God the Holy Spirit wrote in the Bible and every will of God the Father?

Read and re-read the Word of God and search your hearts until you have investigated and repented of every unbelief you have in every spiritual context in every word, every verse, every chapter, every book of the Word of God, according to the teaching of the Holy Spirit to you directly and not according to any man's teachings;
Until you have cleared out and burned every chaff of unbelief in you.

The more you are filled with unbelief, the more you will be powerless and be bound in captivity by the devil and the world.
The lesser you are left of unbelief, the more you will grow in spiritual maturity.

John 8:32 KJV
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Ephesians 1:3 KJV
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Allow God to bless you.
Do not be an unbelieving believer.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit.
Get right with God.
Only believe.



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