True Religion

True Religion

Paul declared that true religion does not consist of meat and drink or any ritual observances.  Indeed, it does not lie in any outward thing whatever. It is not in anything outside the heart. The whole essence of true religion is in righteousness, peace and joy.

Forms and ceremonies, even of the best kind, are outward things, and not true religion. Suppose these religious ceremonies to be decent, significant, expressive or spiritual things, and helpful to both the educated and the uneducated. Consider them, as on the case of the Jews, to be appointed by God himself

Nevertheless, they do not contain true religion even during the time that God's appointment of them remains in force.  Strictly speaking, they do not contain true religion at all. This is even more true regarding rites and forms that are only creations of men.

The religion of Jesus rises infinitely higher and goes immensely deeper than all of these ceremonies. Ceremonies are good in their place, just as long as they are subservient to true religion. It is not necessary to object to them if they are used only as occasional helps to human weakness. But let no one carry them any further. Let no one dream that rituals have any intrinsic worth. Never believe that religion cannot exist without rituals. Such a belief would make any ritual an abomination to the Lord.

- John Wesley 


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