A word of Knowledge: Understanding ithe Word in the Spirit

A word of Knowledge

Understanding ithe Word in the Spirit

How do you read and understand the Word of God in the Spirit?

Before we are able to answer this question, let us first look at how we are able to verify that our understanding on the guidance and Word of God is true and according to the will of God. 

There are two laws of interpretation universally recognized among Bible scholars. 

These two laws are,

1) the law of usage 

 (or "usus loquendi" as it is called) 


2) the law of context.

Many a verse in the Bible standing alone might admit of two or three or even more interpretations, but when these two laws of interpretation are applied, it is settled to a certainty that only one of the various possible interpretations is the true interpretation. 

1) The law of usage is this, that when you find a word or phrase in any passage of Scripture and you wish to know what it means, do not go to a dictionary but go to the Bible itself, look up the various passages in which the word is used and especially how the particular writer being studied uses it, and especially how it is used in that particular book in which the passage is found. 

Thus you can determine what the precise meaning of the word or phrase is in the passage in question. 

2) The law of context is this; that when you study a passage, you should not take it out of its connection but should look at what goes before it and what comes after it; for while it might mean various things if it stood alone,  it can only mean one thing in the connection in which it is found.

- R.A Torrey

Now, these two laws are not what reading or understanding in the Spirit is about but they can serve to satisfy the need of the flesh to verify our understanding. 

The understanding of the Word of God in the light and power of the Holy Spirit rather than from the educated flesh or taken by the letter is this,

1) See from the mind of God as you know Him.

In the beginning of our walk with Jesus Christ our Teacher and God, we start to know a little about His thoughts. 

As we build our relationship with Him in increasing closeness and intimacy, through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, we get to know Him even better day after day. 

It will come a time when we are able to capture a glimpse of the truth from His eyes and mind. This understanding of the truth from His point of view leads us increasingly closer to the absolute Truth as He Himself perceived it. 

When we interpret His Words according to what we increasingly understand from His view points in our walk with Him, we are able to understand the Truth in the messages of His Word according to His will; 

be it the passages in the Bible or His still small voice speaking to us or even visions and impressions that He spoke to us through the Spirit.

Therefore, pray before you read the Bible, pray that God opens your heart and eyes to His mind and Truth and give you the understanding according to His will, through the working of the Holy Spirit. 

2) See from the mind of the author whom God the Holy Spirit has used to convey His message.

We know that the Holy Spirit possessed the authors and spoke His Words through the tongues and writings of the authors and His prophets. 

Thus, it would be beneficial to understand from the view point and circumstances that the author speaks or writes the particular passage or book of interest. 

Although understanding the author or passages from a scholarly and historical study is useful, it is not required when you understand them in the Spirit. 

The Spirit of God falls upon the author to divinely speak to him and the author in his surrendering to God, pen in writings of the divine messages he received in the Spirit.

Similarly, follow the mind of God that falls upon the author that which speaks through the author and get into the author's style of speech and vocabulary to present His Truth.

In such a way, we are able to understand the message getting into the mind of the author whom in turn is his response from the mind of God that divinely manifest in him and will be able to reveal the right essence and intangible spirit of the message conveyed in the holy Scriptures as is being written in accordance with God's will. 

3) Follow the train of thoughts of the author of the particular book of the Bible.

As in the law of context, we must not read the messages in silo.

Read in the manner expounded in 1) and 2) in the passages before and after the passage of interest.

Go back as far back in the particular book of the passage as is needed as long as the train of thoughts of a theme or idea of the author flows through without breaking. Go back to even the beginning of the particular book or go forward even to the end of the particular book as long as the train of thoughts of the author did not break in order to interpret the meaning of the passage most accurately . 

4) Hear the tone of speech and emotions of the author that carried through in the train of thoughts of the passage or particular book.

When you read in the manner explained in the above, you cannot help but will noticed that each of the authors of the books of the Bible is a person of differing characters speaking in their own distinctive ways and purposes.

Decipher such distinctive manners of speech and you will be able to get into the temperaments and emotions of the author according to the Spirit and know of the situation where the writings are written for. 

This will give you a clearer idea of the spirit of the message that the author is conveying to the addressee and from it understand the Truth of the message as it is supposed to be understood according to God's intention.

5) Discern the illustrations and examples from the conclusion or main point of His message. 

The messages of the passages often, if not always have a detailed elaboration followed by a conclusion.

You will make good progress in your reading and understanding of the Scripture in the Spirit to be able to direct your attention to identify and differentiate the detailed illustration from the specific conclusion or main message that the author is conveying in the passages or the whole particular book.

Apply these not just to the reading of the Bible but also to the discernings, promptings, coincidences and guidances of the Father through Jesus Christ the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit in your life daily and witness His blessings and love.

There is no need to rely on the comments, opinions or teachings of any educated man in reading the Word of God because none of them is qualified to g8ve you Bible studies on God's Word. 

The only Teacher you need is the Holy Spirit because it is His Word you are reading. 


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